The Power of Forgiveness
The Power of Forgiveness
“The forgiving state of mind is a magnetic power for attracting good. ”
The forgiving state of mind is a magnetic power for attracting good. - Catherine Ponder
Forgiveness is one of the most powerful and important self-help tools in your toolbox. If you want to improve any condition in your life, you have to begin by forgiving everyone, everything, every experience, and every memory in your life that needs forgiveness. In short, you have to let it all go.
There are three main reasons why you must forgive:
First, if you want someone to forgive you, you have to forgive.
Second, if you harbor any ill will, anger, regret, or hate, you are preventing anything good and lasting from entering your life.
Third, negativity clouds your mind and prevents it from creating the great things that you deserve in your life.
Importance of Forgiveness
Without forgiveness, you carry around with you the seeds that can create all kinds of stress-related illnesses in your mind, body, and soul. The emotions tied to not forgiving include anger, hate, guilt, doubt, worry, and self-pity are the worst emotions and live down on the bottom of the emotional guidance scale.
The negativity from holding a grudge clouds your mind and prevents you from connecting to more significant things, including a super satisfying connection to Source. The emotions tied to not forgiving will only help manifest more negativity in your life.
At this level of emotion, you are not creating anything worthwhile.
Whom do you forgive?
You forgive everyone, everything, and every situation you can think of that needs forgiveness; then, you forgive yourself.
The Main Benefit of the Power of Forgiveness
When you forgive people who have wronged you in any way, you take away the power they have over you. They no longer have any energetic influence in your life. Your mind is free to create, and you experience happiness and peace of mind. Use the power of forgiveness to take back control and create your best life free from the past and open to the future of endless possibilities.
Many people find it hard to stomach the word, "forgiveness" as it feels like you are giving the offender the get-out-of-jail-free card. So, for those cases, I often suggest using the words, “letting go”. I use the holding on to a hot piece of coal analogy and hoping the other person gets burned. Let-it-go! Letting go is not only freeing yourself from pain, but it is also freeing yourself to create a beautiful life.
You get to build a life where you get to be in the driver's seat.
See the articles on Ho'oponopono for an amazing ancient Hawaiian forgiveness/letting go ritual.