Create Your Personal Guiding Principles

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Create Your Personal Guiding Principles

Personal Guiding Principles are a set of rules you have chosen to live by. Your Personal Guiding Principles will help you make, and stick to your decisions and actions.  They help you make sense of your life. Personal Guiding Principles become ingrained in you so that you never doubt yourself when you feel backed against the wall by other people’s opinions and actions.

An excellent example of guiding principles can be found in a great book by Don Miguel Ruiz, called The Four Agreements.  His book includes four amazing Guiding Principles: Be impeccable with your word, don't take things personally, don't make assumptions, and always do your best.  You can choose to use these four and add a couple more or just create an entire new set for yourself.

Use your guiding principles to build a solid foundation for your success. Create Guiding Principles to help you build your best life and manifest your desires. Use them as a guide to keep you on track to accomplish your goals. Whenever you are not living or honoring your guiding principles, it will be reflected in your life. This is the point when you go back to review your principles and get right back on track.

Tips for Creating your Personal Guiding Principles

Choose from Existing Literature

You can start by choosing those that already exist in your religion, your favorite spiritual literature. I am a great fan of the works of the new thought leaders of the earlier 1900s like Florence Scovel-Shinn. I also pulled guiding principles from The Four Agreements as mentioned above. You can create your set of Guiding Principles focusing on things that make you feel good. You can pull guiding principles from anywhere, quotes, movies, or even your favorite works of fiction.

Create Your Own

Create your own. How amazing is it to know you can create your own rules. You know yourself best, and you know what works for you. You can choose how you want to live. Creating your guiding principles can be as simple as, saying I will always finish what I start. I will treat people as I want to be treated.

Your guiding principles can be anything as long as you use them to create more stability in your life.  You use your guiding principles as a guide to help you navigate through life. Your principles give you more confidence, for example, I choose to take responsibility for everything that happens in my life. I make no excuses.

Do Something

List your Guiding Principles, next to each one, write what they mean to you, when and how you would use them.  Then ask yourself, “Can I build a solid foundation for my life with these guiding principles?"

Note: you can add or remove guiding principles when you either outgrow the current ones or find other principles that resonate with you.

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